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Friday 5 July 2019


The US dollar and all fiat currencies are inflationary. Governments can print them at any time and throw them into circulation, thereby flooding the market. Thus, the supply increases whereas the demand remains the same or decreases leading to the lower value of the fiat currencies.

If you ask any government how much of their currency is in circulation, they won’t be able to answer you because they don’t know. They keep printing more everyday. This is why if today you buy a loaf of bread for $1, on the same day the following year you will buy it for more than a dollar. It means the value of the dollar goes down. That’s inflation.

Claymore is a deflationary cryptocurrency that does the opposite of what fiat currencies do. Claymore token, currently listed on coinmarket cap is a deflationary cryptocurrency with real use case that has 50,000,000 CLM initial supply and current supply of 29,861,300.908 CLM. Claymore token is a Peer to peer cash token with 2% deflation burn. Claymore Token will burn 2% of transfer value for every transaction you create. Deflating the total supply and increasing the value of tokens still in circulating supply! It is a secure ERC20 deflationary currency that prevents against financial manipulation and high volatility. This means in every transaction, 2% of the total amount in that transaction is burned to ashes, unusable and will never exist anymore, thereby reducing the total number of Claymore tokens with every transaction. Thus, everyday the number of Claymore tokens decreases. Claymore token is also intented to be used as store of value due to its built-in burn mechanism that ensures your investment will grow in value long-term


AIRDROP #1 - 15%





Initial Supply: 50,000,000 CLM 

Current Supply: 29,861,300.908 CLM 

Burned % of Supply: 40.3% 

Tokens Burned: 20,138,699.092 CLM



ForkDelta: CLM/ETH


Upcomin Exchanges:



The supply of Claymore token decreases everyday and the demand for it increases resulting in an increase in the price of each token. 

For more information;







Would like to win some Claymore tokens and be rewarded for being creative in promoting Claymore Cryptocurrency?


Thursday 6 June 2019



Aussie digital is a cryptocurrency built on blockchain and they are about providing efficiency to E-commerce by combining Blockchain technology with freelance sharing economy. AUDigital is working on various projects in the ecosystem like TRADEEZY ECOMMERCE and Chatezy. Another interesting thing is the fact that, as part of their ecosystem, they are working on creating an ecommerce platform similar to Amazon/Ali express/ebay that accept cryptocurrencies and fiat which is known as TRADEEZY ECOMMERCE. Chatezy is a social media platform through which even common people can make friends as they do on other social media platforms. Consumers and vendors are also able to communicate and make arrangements. This is a crypto currency exchange built on blockchain and has its own cryptocurrencies originating from Australia. The mission of Aussie Digital is to provide efficiency to E-commerce by combining both Blockchain technology and the freelance sharing economy.

Aussie Digital’s trading exchange TRADEDO TRADING EXCHANGE for cryptocurrencies is almost completed. It will sport a user friendly exchange with quick access function whereby sellers will have the ability to automatically convert their sale to their chosen currency in real time which takes out problems caused through volatility and freeing up their time, so they can be more focused on trading.

Aussie Digital is a proof of stake concept (POS), which rewards its holders (or hodlers in crypto terminology). They have two currencies in this regard, AUD coin token and Digi. Users are rewarded by staking their AUD coin in online wallet or any ethereum based wallet. Aussie Digital is also working on their advertisements programs to better connect buyers and sellers. Its an inbuilt paid advertisement system, which promises to deliver better results for customers in order to maximise their profits. This also translates to having tremendous growth even more which will likely skyrocket the price of this project. You can get some of this coin right now through AUD airdrop program and in this airdrop program interested persons will perform some simple tasks to qualify for airdrops. 

How can I Earn Before ICO?

Referrals: Aussie Digital is offering massive bonus rewards with a 3 level program. Members can earn 10% on their first sign up another 3% if they sign up another member and another 1% if they sign somebody else up. All that is required is an affiliate code that can be found on your AUD account dashboard.

Sign up on Aussie Digital website 

Join our Telegram group(5,000 AUD Coins).

Like Aussie Digital’s Facebook page. (500 AUD Coins)

Follow Aussie Digital’s Twitter. (500 AUD Coins)

Follow Aussie Digital’s LinkedIn. (500 AUD Coins)

Follow Aussie Digital’s Medium. (500 AUD Coins)

Follow Aussie Digital’s Instagram. (500 AUD Coins)

Promote Aussie Digital using Embded code (500 AUD Coins)

Write a Blog for Aussie Digital, minimum 500 words (10,000 AUD Coins)

Create a video for Aussie Digital’s (5,000 AUD Coins)

Subscribe Aussie Digital’s official YouTube channel.(500 AUD Coins)

AUD ICO date was to be held on 27th of May 2019, but due to some tech issues being fixed right now, it couldnt hold as planned and a new date is about to be set which will be communicated soonestt. Also, the price of the coin will be 1 cent. AUD coin is an exchange token and this will create a demand that will be very high since the coin itself have solid features. New set of crypto millionaires about to be created. stay tuned for updates!!!

To your great Success!!! 

Victor Osaikh

Wednesday 27 November 2013


Smart Shopping
1. Don’t be overcharged at the cash register. With everything being computerized nowadays, it’s not uncommon for products to scan at the regular price when they’ve been advertised as a sale item. Avoid paying more than you have to by watching the price for each item that comes up when it’s scanned. If a sale item is missed be sure to point it out. Once you start watching you’re likely to see that this happens much more frequently then you ever realized! Some supermarkets actually have a policy that if you are charged the wrong price that you’ll get the first item free and the others will be price adjusted accordingly. Check with your supermarket to see what their policies are.
2. Shop around for a better insurance deal. It can seem like a waste of time to spend a few hours on the phone comparing insurance policies, but it can mean a big savings in the long run. Ask for ways to reduce your premiums by eliminating services you don’t need or increasing your deductible. Finding an insurance provider that will give you a discount for having multiple policies with them is also a great way to reduce your monthly

Sunday 6 October 2013

High Profit Affiliate Concepts - Affiliate Masters Trend Part 4

Prune by Eliminating High-Risk Programs

Find the good programs and eliminate the dogs by considering the following plus signs, minus signs, and red flags.  Let’s start with the plus signs, signified by + (which means “good things to look for”).  Here they are, in the approximate order of importance...
+  High quality product or service - Remember, it’s your reputation that is on the line (and online!). Don’t recommend products that UNDERdeliver.
+ Merchant has a good site that sells effectively.
+ Ability for affiliate to link straight to individual products, rather than just to the home page.  (If the visitor has to find the product that you recommend, your Conversion Rate plummets.)
+ Type of payment model... Pay-per-sale and pay-per-lead are good.  This is true “performance marketing.”  If your referred visitor delivers the desired response, you get paid.  What about “pay-per-click?”  See red flags below.
+ Affiliate Support...
•  Accurate, reliable, real-time, online accounting, preferably with some kind of ability to “audit” by spot-checking

•  Detailed traffic and linking stats
•  Notification by e-mail when a sale is made
•  Useful marketing assistance -- provides traffic-building and sales-getting tools
•  Quality newsletter that educates, trains, and provides accounting
•  Professional marketing materials available
•  Affiliates receive discount on products

Great affiliate support is important for a “between the lines” reason, too.  It indicates a high degree of commitment to the program and its affiliates.
+ Pays good commission - Hard goods have lower margins than digital ones so their commissions will be lower.  Still, you should make at least 10% (hard goods) or 20% (digital goods) on any product that you recommend.  Don’t be scared off by low-priced products if they offer a good % commission -- the lower dollar value per sale is offset by the higher sales volume.
+ Must be free (no charge) to join, no need to buy the product.
+ Lifetime commission -- If the program pays a commission on future sales of other products to customers that you refer, this is a huge plus.
+ Two-tier commission - If the program pays a commission on affiliates who join because of you, this is also great.
+ Lifetime cookie - Do you receive a commission