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Monday 30 September 2013

Affiliate Marketing Tips - Part 4

And now in part 4, we'll learn how to Plan Your Monetization Models
“Show me the money!” -- Jerry Maguire (1996)
The overall goal is to expand your site’s blueprint by planning how you could potentially monetize visitors interested in your niche (i.e., Site Concept), starting with the affiliate monetization model.

Your specific goal will be to choose 3 affiliate programs that fit with each of your 3 Site Concepts/5 high-profitability keywords (per concept) that you developed in DAYS 2 and 3.  You must rate these merchants as excellent, and you must feel good about representing them.  Do not associate yourself with those merchants who could adversely affect your credibility.
You will also consider appropriate secondary monetization models to diversify your Web income and give your business stability.
It’s time for a quick check-up.  So far you have…
•  examined PREselling and its effect on Conversion Rates (part1)
•  identified a potential topic for your Theme-Based Content Site (part 2)
•  brainstormed a list of profitable keywords (part 3)

Part 4 continues your excellent preparation efforts.  The finish line is in sight where you will register your domain name, confidently knowing that you have not missed a step along the track. That’s why you will be “thinking” about “M” now , and “doing” it after you have C  T  P well in control.
The ideal Site Concept should give you enough flexibility to generate income through your primary source of income, plus two or three or more additional streams.
For example, let's say that you have an information site about “home decor.”  Where do you find related e-books or digital products to represent as an affiliate, one of your monetization models?
A fast way is to use Search It!...

1) Select the “Monetization” category in STEP 1. 2) Choose “Find Products/Affiliate Programs At ClickBank” in STEP 2. 3) Enter the term "home decor" in STEP 3.
Your search turns up four potential e-book candidates.  Decide which one(s) you want to promote and you're off and running!  ClickBank guides you through the set-up process.
Tip:  Always select the best, related products to represent as an affiliate and group them according to your high-profitability keywords.
As a “home decor” infopreneur, your monetization options are wide open. Register for the Google AdSense program (more on this shortly), and sell ad space.  Or use SBI!’s Form Build It! to make referrals to local vendors (for a fee).
See how easy it is to diversify, even without a product to sell?
Why is this important?
Two valid reasons come to mind quickly…
•  Ideally, you don't want to leave any money on the table.  Your visitor may not respond to your primary Most Wanted Response, but she may be attracted to one of your secondary offerings.
•  The key is to never be dependent on any one income source -- “all your eggs in one basket” is a high-risk strategy.  By diversifying, you increase your revenue, stabilize your business, and take charge of your own business destiny.
part 4 is all about getting a feel for possible monetization models before you go on to create your domain name.   For example, if you narrow your niche/Site Concept too much, or position your business wrongly, you might limit your opportunities unnecessarily… profitable opportunities, that is.
With monetizing in mind, let's look first at the affiliate model.  I am assuming that this will be your primary model -- after all, you are “doing” the Affiliate Masters Course!  So get ready to…
Grow a list of good merchants with affiliate programs that have product lines that fit.  Then choose the best ones and group them according to high-profitability keywords.  For example, you may want to investigate Amazon’s aStore…
or eBay’s Editor Kit…
Yes, you have already started this process on DAY 3 by using Search It! to build groups of POSSIBLE PARTNERS for each keyword in your Master Keyword List. However, DAY 3 was more focused upon getting good ideas for content and a feel for your market space (DEMAND, SUPPLY, SUPPLY SITE INFO).
Now it’s time to grow your list of POSSIBLE PARTNERS…

Grow A List Of Possible Affiliate Partners
Remember how we brainstormed the list of KEYWORDS and then chose the best?  We're going to choose affiliate partners in the same way.  And, of course, Search It! will be our super-efficient assistant as per usual.
Solid research sets a solid foundation.  That’s why the strategies below try to cover almost every angle for choosing POSSIBLE PARTNERS.  However, being this thorough can be overwhelming, especially if you are already time-crunched. So pick and choose the strategies that you know you can realistically execute. For example, And then do them!
I highly recommend that you do at least four types of searches if at all possible. You want to increase your chances of finding quality affiliate programs that fit best with your business blueprint.  But more importantly, you want to be confident about the merchants that you represent.
 More on this in a moment..........pls bookmark site

And now in part 4, we'll learn how to Plan Your Monetization Models
“Show me the money!” -- Jerry Maguire (1996)
The overall goal is to expand your site’s blueprint by planning how you could potentially monetize visitors interested in your niche (i.e., Site Concept), starting with the affiliate monetization model.

Your specific goal will be to choose 3 affiliate programs that fit with each of your 3 Site Concepts/5 high-profitability keywords (per concept) that you developed in DAYS 2 and 3.  You must rate these merchants as excellent, and you must feel good about representing them.  Do not associate yourself with those merchants who could adversely affect your credibility.
You will also consider appropriate secondary monetization models to diversify your Web income and give your business stability.
It’s time for a quick check-up.  So far you have…
•  examined PREselling and its effect on Conversion Rates (part1)
•  identified a potential topic for your Theme-Based Content Site (part 2)
•  brainstormed a list of profitable keywords (part 3)

Part 4 continues your excellent preparation efforts.  The finish line is in sight where you will register your domain name, confidently knowing that you have not missed a step along the track. That’s why you will be “thinking” about “M” now , and “doing” it after you have C  T  P well in control.
The ideal Site Concept should give you enough flexibility to generate income through your primary source of income, plus two or three or more additional streams.
For example, let's say that you have an information site about “home decor.”  Where do you find related e-books or digital products to represent as an affiliate, one of your monetization models?
A fast way is to use Search It!...

1) Select the “Monetization” category in STEP 1. 2) Choose “Find Products/Affiliate Programs At ClickBank” in STEP 2. 3) Enter the term "home decor" in STEP 3.
Your search turns up four potential e-book candidates.  Decide which one(s) you want to promote and you're off and running!  ClickBank guides you through the set-up process.
Tip:  Always select the best, related products to represent as an affiliate and group them according to your high-profitability keywords.
As a “home decor” infopreneur, your monetization options are wide open. Register for the Google AdSense program (more on this shortly), and sell ad space.  Or use SBI!’s Form Build It! to make referrals to local vendors (for a fee).
See how easy it is to diversify, even without a product to sell?
Why is this important?
Two valid reasons come to mind quickly…
•  Ideally, you don't want to leave any money on the table.  Your visitor may not respond to your primary Most Wanted Response, but she may be attracted to one of your secondary offerings.
•  The key is to never be dependent on any one income source -- “all your eggs in one basket” is a high-risk strategy.  By diversifying, you increase your revenue, stabilize your business, and take charge of your own business destiny.
part 4 is all about getting a feel for possible monetization models before you go on to create your domain name.   For example, if you narrow your niche/Site Concept too much, or position your business wrongly, you might limit your opportunities unnecessarily… profitable opportunities, that is.
With monetizing in mind, let's look first at the affiliate model.  I am assuming that this will be your primary model -- after all, you are “doing” the Affiliate Masters Course!  So get ready to…
Grow a list of good merchants with affiliate programs that have product lines that fit.  Then choose the best ones and group them according to high-profitability keywords.  For example, you may want to investigate Amazon’s aStore…
or eBay’s Editor Kit…
Yes, you have already started this process on DAY 3 by using Search It! to build groups of POSSIBLE PARTNERS for each keyword in your Master Keyword List. However, DAY 3 was more focused upon getting good ideas for content and a feel for your market space (DEMAND, SUPPLY, SUPPLY SITE INFO).
Now it’s time to grow your list of POSSIBLE PARTNERS…

Grow A List Of Possible Affiliate Partners
Remember how we brainstormed the list of KEYWORDS and then chose the best?  We're going to choose affiliate partners in the same way.  And, of course, Search It! will be our super-efficient assistant as per usual.
Solid research sets a solid foundation.  That’s why the strategies below try to cover almost every angle for choosing POSSIBLE PARTNERS.  However, being this thorough can be overwhelming, especially if you are already time-crunched. So pick and choose the strategies that you know you can realistically execute. For example, And then do them!
I highly recommend that you do at least four types of searches if at all possible. You want to increase your chances of finding quality affiliate programs that fit best with your business blueprint.  But more importantly, you want to be confident about the merchants that you represent.
 More on this in a moment..........pls bookmark site

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