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Thursday 26 September 2013

Foolproof Affiliate systems that workss

Welcome to part 3 of the Affiliate masters trend.
In this part we're gonna be reviewing how to Develop High-Profitability Topics
“Why do you rob banks?”  the officer asked infamous bank-robber Willy Sutton moments after he arrested him...
“I go where the money is.”
Goal-of-the-DAY... Use the SUPPLY and DEMAND WINDOWS to build a Master Keyword List, fully researched, of 5 high-profitability keywords for each of the 3 Site Concepts (brainstormed in part 2).
With this goal in mind...
Let’s say that you love fashion.  You eat, live and sleep it.  You read all the fashion magazines.  You head straight to that part of any bookstore.  Your friends beg you to talk about something else “for a change!”
It’s time to brainstorm and prune.  Initially, you’ll brainstorm as many related “Keyword-Focused” topics as possible that are related to fashion.  Then you’ll prune out the low-profit-potential ones.
First thing you do?  Power up what I will call your “keyword tool center.”  There are three WINDOWS of information that you will be researching...

Open your browser and start with...
Time to brainstorm some Keyword-Focused topics with Search It!...
If you're not tapping into the unlimited information on the Web, you're missing out.  Search It! converts you into a business power-surfer.
OK, let’s fire up Search It!.  A search could involve three or four steps.  STEP 1 and STEP 2 both utilize a drop-down menu.
I highly recommend that you click on the link, “Click Here for information About Search Type AFTER completing Step 1 & Step 2,” every time you do a search. These short tutorials will help you get the most out of your research until you get more comfortable with Search It!.
Now that the mini-orientation is over, let’s get started.
STEP 1… Select “Brainstorming” from the Search Category menu.
STEP 2…  Select “Wordtracker Free Tool” from the Search Type menu.  (Don’t forget to click on the help link before you proceed!)
STEP 3… Enter the keyword “fashion” (without the quotes).
In this course, the term “keywords” includes both single words and multi- word phrases.  When building a keyword list, never limit yourself to single words.  Many more people search using multiple-word keywords composed of two, or even three, words.
Since there is no STEP 4 for this particular search, you can now hit the Search It! button.  (Do not use the Enter or Return key.)
Let’s quickly recap your search formula…
Search It! > Brainstorming (STEP 1) > Wordtracker Tool (STEP 2) > fashion (STEP 3)
Please note… we will use the above shortcut style when outlining the steps of OK, let’s fire up Search It!.  A search could involve three or four steps.  STEP 1 and STEP 2 both utilize a drop-down menu.
I highly recommend that you click on the link, “Click Here for information About Search Type AFTER completing Step 1 & Step 2,” every time you do a search. These short tutorials will help you get the most out of your research until you get more comfortable with Search It!.
Now that the mini-orientation is over, let’s get started.
STEP 1… Select “Brainstorming” from the Search Category menu.
STEP 2…  Select “Wordtracker Free Tool” from the Search Type menu.  (Don’t forget to click on the help link before you proceed!)
STEP 3… Enter the keyword “fashion” (without the quotes).
In this course, the term “keywords” includes both single words and multi- word phrases.  When building a keyword list, never limit yourself to single words.  Many more people search using multiple-word keywords composed of two, or even three, words.
Since there is no STEP 4 for this particular search, you can now hit the Search It! button.  (Do not use the Enter or Return key.)
Let’s quickly recap your search formula…
Search It! > Brainstorming (STEP 1) > Wordtracker Tool (STEP 2) > fashion (STEP 3)
Please note… we will use the above shortcut style when outlining the steps of future searches.
Affiliate Masters Course
OK, onwards and upwards.  Got your DEMAND WINDOW ready?  Here are some examples of the most common keywords (at the time of writing) that Web surfers search upon that contain the word “fashion” at Yahoo!…
3083     fashion 3054     fashion games to play 1366     fashion bug 1268     fashion accessories 387 fashion design
You can also try the other search types in the Brainstorming category to expand your keyword list.
OK, what do we have so far?  We’ve got a good idea of what your potential visitors want.  In other words, we know what’s in demand, and by how much, for a variety of keywords (some of which will become your high-profitability, Keyword-Focused topics) that contain the word “fashion.”
Now it’s time for...
Ready to prune out the low-profitability topics?
Before we can start pruning, we need to check out the SUPPLY of your “fashion-containing” keywords. In other words, how many sites already provide content for the keywords that we found in your DEMAND WINDOW (i.e., WINDOW #1 above)?
Let’s start the ball rolling with “fashion design.”  Open Search It! once again. (You did keep it handy on your desktop, right?)
Search It! > Competition (STEP 1) > Google Single Keyword SUPPLY (STEP 2) > fashion design (STEP 3)
This specific search yields this information… Results 1 - 10 of about 18,100,000 for “fashion design.”
Repeat the same process for each of the “fashion”-containing keywords that you found in your DEMAND WINDOW.  Yes, seriously, do a search for each keyword.  It is a bit tedious, but the research will pay off in spades.
Before you do those searches, create a Master Keyword List.  I recommend that you do this either in a simple text file or via a database or spreadsheet program. A database or a spreadsheet will speed things up and provide you with extra functionality.
If the idea of a database or spreadsheet scares you, simply stick with a text list. It’s a bit inefficient so it will take you a little longer, but it will do the job just fine.
Whatever you decide, please, please, please...
Do use a Master Keyword List.  It will evolve into the master blueprint for your entire site.  If you follow these instructions, the site will almost build itself!
OK, here’s what to do with your Master Keyword List.  Create four columns and label them KEYWORD, DEMAND, SUPPLY, and SUPPLY SITE INFO.  For each “fashion”-containing keyword in your DEMAND WINDOW...
1) Enter the keyword itself into the column labeled KEYWORD -- copy-and-paste to avoid typos.
2) Enter how many times it is searched (info that you found in the DEMAND WINDOW) into the DEMAND column.
3) Enter how many sites Search It! finds (in your SUPPLY WINDOW) in your column labeled SUPPLY.
4) Read the listings for the Top 20 sites that Search It! returns for each keyword.  Make brief notes in the fourth column, SUPPLY SITE INFO -- no need to visit the sites yet (perhaps just a quick click to the home page if you need a bit more info).  Just get a flavor for the kinds of sites that each KEYWORD search delivers.
I’ve started your Master Keyword List for you...

fashion                    3,083            577,000,000       See NOTE...

NOTE: “Fashion” is too general.  Don't bother researching this word for products/services.  The real opportunities lie in the niches, in topic keywords that have more specificity.
fashion design            387             18,100,000      Design principles, patterns

Add as many notes as you like for SUPPLY SITE INFO.  I’ve kept it very brief here, since it is only an example.

Finally, make two more columns, one labeled POSSIBLE PARTNERS and the other called IDEAS FOR CONTENT.  Time for some in-depth, professional, SUPPLY WINDOW research...
Review as many sites from these results as you like.  I’d suggest at least the first 10-20 sites.  But you may find merchants in need of traffic help (i.e., you!) deeper down.
As you get into this in-depth research, you’ll notice three types of sites...
•  irrelevant -- for whatever reason (off-topic, geographic, lousy site, etc.), they just don't fit.  Skip these.
•  merchant -- in POSSIBLE PARTNERS, enter what kind of merchandise they sell.  If they have an affiliate program that fits your concept, enter the URL of the “join page” for the affiliate program of that merchant.  These are indeed potential merchant-partners for you.
Even better, you’re automatically organizing the POSSIBLE PARTNERS according to each keyword.  This means that you are already pre-planning each Keyword-Focused Content Page’s “in-context” text links and setting the groundwork for the “M” (Monetization) stage.
•  content -- these sites are your direct competitors.  They make money through affiliate programs, too.  And good news!  They’ll speed up your learning curve by giving you a lot of information.  Why?  Because they've already done a ton of work for you!
Here’s what to do...
i) As you review these content sites, you may get some great ideas for content on your own site.  Enter these ideas into the IDEAS FOR CONTENT column.
ii) Browse the site, drilling down into the content.  Click on the banner ads and text links, following these links out to their destinations to see what kind of merchants they have chosen as affiliate-partners.  Or perhaps it’s a straight advertising deal -- make a note of these merchants as potential advertisers, too.
If a given merchant fits your concept and has an affiliate program, enter the kind of merchandise it sells, and the “join page” URL, as you did just above.  Once again, you are preparing for the “M” stage.

QUICK TIP:  It can be a tedious pain to look for a link to a merchant’s affiliate program.  Some home pages are quite crowded.  Here’s how to find it quickly...
1) See if you can find a reference to it with a quick scan of the top, left and bottom navbars (graphic or text links).  If not...
2) Do a quick find on the home page.  Press on the control+f keys on your keyboard (command+f if you are using a Mac).  Then enter “affil” (the first few letters is fine and reduces chances of a typo) into the box of the window that pops up.  Try also for “assoc” (short for “associate”) and “refer” (short for “referral” or “referrer” program).
3) Use the site search tool or online support chat (if it has one) or 1-800 line, or send an e-mail.  If the site doesn’t have an affiliate program, ask if the Webmaster is interested in buying pay-per-click advertising (more on selling pay-per-click advertising a bit later on in the course).
If you still can’t find an affiliate link after that, forget it.  The site probably doesn’t have an affiliate program.
ANOTHER QUICK TIP:  You can also find MERCHANT sites via Search It!.  Select the Inbound Link Opportunities category (STEP 1).
Obtain content sites by reviewing the top 20+ search results from Search It!’s Competition category (STEP 1).
Or use its Monetization category and choose this search type, “Find Products/Programs at ClickBank” (STEP 2).
Plow through your Master Keyword List until you have completed all six columns for all of your high-profitability “fashion”-containing keywords.

Expected results?...
•  lots of good content ideas for the site
•  some good monetizing leads to merchants who could need pay-per-click advertising from you a bit later
•  a few merchants who have affiliate programs (but the real mother lode for affiliate programs -- more “M” -- will come in part 4!).

Welcome to part 3 of the Affiliate masters trend.
In this part we're gonna be reviewing how to Develop High-Profitability Topics
“Why do you rob banks?”  the officer asked infamous bank-robber Willy Sutton moments after he arrested him...
“I go where the money is.”
Goal-of-the-DAY... Use the SUPPLY and DEMAND WINDOWS to build a Master Keyword List, fully researched, of 5 high-profitability keywords for each of the 3 Site Concepts (brainstormed in part 2).
With this goal in mind...
Let’s say that you love fashion.  You eat, live and sleep it.  You read all the fashion magazines.  You head straight to that part of any bookstore.  Your friends beg you to talk about something else “for a change!”
It’s time to brainstorm and prune.  Initially, you’ll brainstorm as many related “Keyword-Focused” topics as possible that are related to fashion.  Then you’ll prune out the low-profit-potential ones.
First thing you do?  Power up what I will call your “keyword tool center.”  There are three WINDOWS of information that you will be researching...

Open your browser and start with...
Time to brainstorm some Keyword-Focused topics with Search It!...
If you're not tapping into the unlimited information on the Web, you're missing out.  Search It! converts you into a business power-surfer.
OK, let’s fire up Search It!.  A search could involve three or four steps.  STEP 1 and STEP 2 both utilize a drop-down menu.
I highly recommend that you click on the link, “Click Here for information About Search Type AFTER completing Step 1 & Step 2,” every time you do a search. These short tutorials will help you get the most out of your research until you get more comfortable with Search It!.
Now that the mini-orientation is over, let’s get started.
STEP 1… Select “Brainstorming” from the Search Category menu.
STEP 2…  Select “Wordtracker Free Tool” from the Search Type menu.  (Don’t forget to click on the help link before you proceed!)
STEP 3… Enter the keyword “fashion” (without the quotes).
In this course, the term “keywords” includes both single words and multi- word phrases.  When building a keyword list, never limit yourself to single words.  Many more people search using multiple-word keywords composed of two, or even three, words.
Since there is no STEP 4 for this particular search, you can now hit the Search It! button.  (Do not use the Enter or Return key.)
Let’s quickly recap your search formula…
Search It! > Brainstorming (STEP 1) > Wordtracker Tool (STEP 2) > fashion (STEP 3)
Please note… we will use the above shortcut style when outlining the steps of OK, let’s fire up Search It!.  A search could involve three or four steps.  STEP 1 and STEP 2 both utilize a drop-down menu.
I highly recommend that you click on the link, “Click Here for information About Search Type AFTER completing Step 1 & Step 2,” every time you do a search. These short tutorials will help you get the most out of your research until you get more comfortable with Search It!.
Now that the mini-orientation is over, let’s get started.
STEP 1… Select “Brainstorming” from the Search Category menu.
STEP 2…  Select “Wordtracker Free Tool” from the Search Type menu.  (Don’t forget to click on the help link before you proceed!)
STEP 3… Enter the keyword “fashion” (without the quotes).
In this course, the term “keywords” includes both single words and multi- word phrases.  When building a keyword list, never limit yourself to single words.  Many more people search using multiple-word keywords composed of two, or even three, words.
Since there is no STEP 4 for this particular search, you can now hit the Search It! button.  (Do not use the Enter or Return key.)
Let’s quickly recap your search formula…
Search It! > Brainstorming (STEP 1) > Wordtracker Tool (STEP 2) > fashion (STEP 3)
Please note… we will use the above shortcut style when outlining the steps of future searches.
Affiliate Masters Course
OK, onwards and upwards.  Got your DEMAND WINDOW ready?  Here are some examples of the most common keywords (at the time of writing) that Web surfers search upon that contain the word “fashion” at Yahoo!…
3083     fashion 3054     fashion games to play 1366     fashion bug 1268     fashion accessories 387 fashion design
You can also try the other search types in the Brainstorming category to expand your keyword list.
OK, what do we have so far?  We’ve got a good idea of what your potential visitors want.  In other words, we know what’s in demand, and by how much, for a variety of keywords (some of which will become your high-profitability, Keyword-Focused topics) that contain the word “fashion.”
Now it’s time for...
Ready to prune out the low-profitability topics?
Before we can start pruning, we need to check out the SUPPLY of your “fashion-containing” keywords. In other words, how many sites already provide content for the keywords that we found in your DEMAND WINDOW (i.e., WINDOW #1 above)?
Let’s start the ball rolling with “fashion design.”  Open Search It! once again. (You did keep it handy on your desktop, right?)
Search It! > Competition (STEP 1) > Google Single Keyword SUPPLY (STEP 2) > fashion design (STEP 3)
This specific search yields this information… Results 1 - 10 of about 18,100,000 for “fashion design.”
Repeat the same process for each of the “fashion”-containing keywords that you found in your DEMAND WINDOW.  Yes, seriously, do a search for each keyword.  It is a bit tedious, but the research will pay off in spades.
Before you do those searches, create a Master Keyword List.  I recommend that you do this either in a simple text file or via a database or spreadsheet program. A database or a spreadsheet will speed things up and provide you with extra functionality.
If the idea of a database or spreadsheet scares you, simply stick with a text list. It’s a bit inefficient so it will take you a little longer, but it will do the job just fine.
Whatever you decide, please, please, please...
Do use a Master Keyword List.  It will evolve into the master blueprint for your entire site.  If you follow these instructions, the site will almost build itself!
OK, here’s what to do with your Master Keyword List.  Create four columns and label them KEYWORD, DEMAND, SUPPLY, and SUPPLY SITE INFO.  For each “fashion”-containing keyword in your DEMAND WINDOW...
1) Enter the keyword itself into the column labeled KEYWORD -- copy-and-paste to avoid typos.
2) Enter how many times it is searched (info that you found in the DEMAND WINDOW) into the DEMAND column.
3) Enter how many sites Search It! finds (in your SUPPLY WINDOW) in your column labeled SUPPLY.
4) Read the listings for the Top 20 sites that Search It! returns for each keyword.  Make brief notes in the fourth column, SUPPLY SITE INFO -- no need to visit the sites yet (perhaps just a quick click to the home page if you need a bit more info).  Just get a flavor for the kinds of sites that each KEYWORD search delivers.
I’ve started your Master Keyword List for you...

fashion                    3,083            577,000,000       See NOTE...

NOTE: “Fashion” is too general.  Don't bother researching this word for products/services.  The real opportunities lie in the niches, in topic keywords that have more specificity.
fashion design            387             18,100,000      Design principles, patterns

Add as many notes as you like for SUPPLY SITE INFO.  I’ve kept it very brief here, since it is only an example.

Finally, make two more columns, one labeled POSSIBLE PARTNERS and the other called IDEAS FOR CONTENT.  Time for some in-depth, professional, SUPPLY WINDOW research...
Review as many sites from these results as you like.  I’d suggest at least the first 10-20 sites.  But you may find merchants in need of traffic help (i.e., you!) deeper down.
As you get into this in-depth research, you’ll notice three types of sites...
•  irrelevant -- for whatever reason (off-topic, geographic, lousy site, etc.), they just don't fit.  Skip these.
•  merchant -- in POSSIBLE PARTNERS, enter what kind of merchandise they sell.  If they have an affiliate program that fits your concept, enter the URL of the “join page” for the affiliate program of that merchant.  These are indeed potential merchant-partners for you.
Even better, you’re automatically organizing the POSSIBLE PARTNERS according to each keyword.  This means that you are already pre-planning each Keyword-Focused Content Page’s “in-context” text links and setting the groundwork for the “M” (Monetization) stage.
•  content -- these sites are your direct competitors.  They make money through affiliate programs, too.  And good news!  They’ll speed up your learning curve by giving you a lot of information.  Why?  Because they've already done a ton of work for you!
Here’s what to do...
i) As you review these content sites, you may get some great ideas for content on your own site.  Enter these ideas into the IDEAS FOR CONTENT column.
ii) Browse the site, drilling down into the content.  Click on the banner ads and text links, following these links out to their destinations to see what kind of merchants they have chosen as affiliate-partners.  Or perhaps it’s a straight advertising deal -- make a note of these merchants as potential advertisers, too.
If a given merchant fits your concept and has an affiliate program, enter the kind of merchandise it sells, and the “join page” URL, as you did just above.  Once again, you are preparing for the “M” stage.

QUICK TIP:  It can be a tedious pain to look for a link to a merchant’s affiliate program.  Some home pages are quite crowded.  Here’s how to find it quickly...
1) See if you can find a reference to it with a quick scan of the top, left and bottom navbars (graphic or text links).  If not...
2) Do a quick find on the home page.  Press on the control+f keys on your keyboard (command+f if you are using a Mac).  Then enter “affil” (the first few letters is fine and reduces chances of a typo) into the box of the window that pops up.  Try also for “assoc” (short for “associate”) and “refer” (short for “referral” or “referrer” program).
3) Use the site search tool or online support chat (if it has one) or 1-800 line, or send an e-mail.  If the site doesn’t have an affiliate program, ask if the Webmaster is interested in buying pay-per-click advertising (more on selling pay-per-click advertising a bit later on in the course).
If you still can’t find an affiliate link after that, forget it.  The site probably doesn’t have an affiliate program.
ANOTHER QUICK TIP:  You can also find MERCHANT sites via Search It!.  Select the Inbound Link Opportunities category (STEP 1).
Obtain content sites by reviewing the top 20+ search results from Search It!’s Competition category (STEP 1).
Or use its Monetization category and choose this search type, “Find Products/Programs at ClickBank” (STEP 2).
Plow through your Master Keyword List until you have completed all six columns for all of your high-profitability “fashion”-containing keywords.

Expected results?...
•  lots of good content ideas for the site
•  some good monetizing leads to merchants who could need pay-per-click advertising from you a bit later
•  a few merchants who have affiliate programs (but the real mother lode for affiliate programs -- more “M” -- will come in part 4!).

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