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Monday 9 September 2013

Introduction to Affiliate masters trend (NEW!!!)

An affiliate business is one of the easiest ways to get your feet wet in e-business. You send visitors (i.e., potential customers) to a merchant’s Web site that you are representing.  If they buy or complete a required action (for example, fill in a form), the merchant pays you a commission.  No fuss, no muss!
That, in essence, is the beauty of the affiliate concept.  You can be up and building an online business in record time, at minimal risk.  Top-notch merchants supply everything (i.e., excellent products, ordering, credit card processing, and delivery).  All you need to do is to put yourself in the path between customers and quality merchants... and earn a commission for your efforts.

So what’s the best way to put you on that critical pathway?

Follow the natural, proven CONTENT -TRAFFIC - PRESELLMONETIZE  process…

1.   Recognize the fundamental reality of how people use the Web.  Eliminate offline thinking of “location, location, location.”  Online, people search for solutions through “information, information, information” (i.e., Content).  So plan to build a tightly-niche Theme-Based Content Site.

2.   Do the critical up-front thinking and planning...
  • develop the best site concept/theme, based on what you know and love… perhaps a hobby or past work experience can be your springboard. 
  • brainstorm the most profitable topics related to your theme.
  • select the best related affiliate programs.
3.   Then put yourself into the click path of your visitors.  Achieve this by...
  • delivering customer-focused Content (i.e., information that meets the needs/wishes of your target group).
  • getting Targeted Traffic by building pages that please the Search Engines and rank highly on a search results page.  The higher the ranking, the easier it is for interested and targeted traffic to find you.  More traffic means more potential sales, which means more potential commissions for you.
  • PREselling (i.e., “warming up” your visitors) through valuable content that establishes credibility.  Once you have that, your recommendations carry more weight.  The difference in Conversion Rates between visitors who arrive PREsold to your merchant’s site via an in-context text link vs. a banner can be as high as 20-fold.     
        next informative series on this be continued later.
        If found useful, share with friends and like on facebook and other social sites.

        To your success,

        Victor Osaikh
Introduction to Affiliate masters trend (NEW!!!)

An affiliate business is one of the easiest ways to get your feet wet in e-business. You send visitors (i.e., potential customers) to a merchant’s Web site that you are representing.  If they buy or complete a required action (for example, fill in a form), the merchant pays you a commission.  No fuss, no muss!
That, in essence, is the beauty of the affiliate concept.  You can be up and building an online business in record time, at minimal risk.  Top-notch merchants supply everything (i.e., excellent products, ordering, credit card processing, and delivery).  All you need to do is to put yourself in the path between customers and quality merchants... and earn a commission for your efforts.

So what’s the best way to put you on that critical pathway?

Follow the natural, proven CONTENT -TRAFFIC - PRESELLMONETIZE  process…

1.   Recognize the fundamental reality of how people use the Web.  Eliminate offline thinking of “location, location, location.”  Online, people search for solutions through “information, information, information” (i.e., Content).  So plan to build a tightly-niche Theme-Based Content Site.

2.   Do the critical up-front thinking and planning...
  • develop the best site concept/theme, based on what you know and love… perhaps a hobby or past work experience can be your springboard. 
  • brainstorm the most profitable topics related to your theme.
  • select the best related affiliate programs.
3.   Then put yourself into the click path of your visitors.  Achieve this by...
  • delivering customer-focused Content (i.e., information that meets the needs/wishes of your target group).
  • getting Targeted Traffic by building pages that please the Search Engines and rank highly on a search results page.  The higher the ranking, the easier it is for interested and targeted traffic to find you.  More traffic means more potential sales, which means more potential commissions for you.
  • PREselling (i.e., “warming up” your visitors) through valuable content that establishes credibility.  Once you have that, your recommendations carry more weight.  The difference in Conversion Rates between visitors who arrive PREsold to your merchant’s site via an in-context text link vs. a banner can be as high as 20-fold.     
        next informative series on this be continued later.
        If found useful, share with friends and like on facebook and other social sites.

        To your success,

        Victor Osaikh

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