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Monday 30 September 2013

Thursday 26 September 2013

Foolproof Affiliate systems that workss

Welcome to part 3 of the Affiliate masters trend.
In this part we're gonna be reviewing how to Develop High-Profitability Topics
“Why do you rob banks?”  the officer asked infamous bank-robber Willy Sutton moments after he arrested him...
“I go where the money is.”
Goal-of-the-DAY... Use the SUPPLY and DEMAND WINDOWS to build a Master Keyword List, fully researched, of 5 high-profitability keywords for each of the 3 Site Concepts (brainstormed in part 2).
With this goal in mind...
Let’s say that you love fashion.  You eat, live and sleep it.  You read all the fashion magazines.  You head straight to that part of any bookstore.  Your friends beg you to talk about something else “for a change!”
It’s time to brainstorm and prune.  Initially, you’ll brainstorm as many related “Keyword-Focused” topics as possible that are related to fashion.  Then you’ll prune out the low-profit-potential ones.
First thing you do?  Power up what I will call your “keyword tool center.”  There are three WINDOWS of information that you will be researching...

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Best Results - Guide to Affiliate Marketing

To site an example from yesterday's tutorial, let’s say that your passion is the Renaissance artist, Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510), a highly individualistic and graceful artist who fell out of fashion and died in obscurity.  (Hey, in art, ya gotta be good to die broke!)  It’s your passion to give this man his due on the Net.

At first glance, the focus is rather narrow.  It might be difficult to develop enough HIGH-PROFITABILITY topics to attract sufficient targeted traffic (part 3).  And there may not be many affiliate programs to develop a substantial primary monetization model (part 4).
On the other hand...
•  that may not matter to you - the passion may be primary, while the money is secondary to you.
•  since you really are an expert, you just may succeed in developing tons of Keyword-Focused topics to be able to create lots of high value Keyword-Focused Content Pages about Botticelli. You may end up “owning” this niche.  And, while completing the prep work, you may discover...

Monday 23 September 2013

Here are a few examples of starting points to get your neurons firing...
Advertising, Aerospace, Agriculture/farming, Antiques and collectibles Apparel/clothing/fashion, Architecture/buildings Arts & Crafts Auctions, Automotive, Aviation, Beverages, Books, Chemicals Children/parenting, Cleaning, Communications, Computers, Construction, Consulting, Conventions/Trade Shows, Design, Disabilities, Education, Electronics, Employment, Energy, Engineering, Entertainment, Environment, Ergonomics, Financial services, Food, Gambling, Games, Government, Health, Hobbies, Home/garden/flowers/ plants, Hospitality, Information, Jewelry, Law, Manufacturing, Minerals, Music, New age, Office supplies, Publishing, Real Estate, Religion/Spirituality, Research and Development, Retail management, Science, Security, Sex,

Friday 20 September 2013

Guide to Becoming a Rich Affiliate.

Welcome to Part 2     Brainstorm Your Site Concept

“Do What You Love... The Money Will Follow”
Goal-of-the-DAY... Identify the top 3 Site Concepts that you know and love.
Before you take this next step, take a moment to decide how you want to spend your time.  Benjamin Franklin gave us this valuable advice to follow…
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
The chicken reports the scattering stair throughout our composite.
2.1.  PREpare, Not REpair

You have just arrived at the most important part of your entire affiliate business. Yes, I know some of you haven’t started yet.  And I know you really want to get going!  And yes...
Wrapping up the necessary preparation work before you begin “doing business” on the Net will, of course, delay your grand opening.  But it’s important that you take your time to prepare well now .  Then there’ll be nothing to repair or repeat once you launch.  
Most people fail in any business because they don’t plan adequately.  That’s three times as true for an Internet business and five times as true for what you are about to do.  Here’s why...
If you pick the wrong concept, if you develop the wrong topics, if you pick the wrong affiliate programs... you’ll get the wrong results.
So many small businesses fail to start at the beginning with Content.  Instead,
they start at the end with Monetization.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Wealthy Affiliate surefire guide

Let’s look at examples of how “low-CR affiliates” create negative mindsets by making how-you-reach, what-you-say, or how-you-refer boo-boos.  We’ll begin at the top…

1) How to Reach Your Visitor...
Free-For-All Sites (FFAs) are a great example of how not to reach people.  For the most part, FFAs have become so seamy and useless that no matter what you say, you’re doomed from the start.  I once made a request to all 5 Pillar Affiliates for FFA success stories... not a single success story!  I won’t bother to ask again.
Compare this with how smart and open-minded your visitor feels when she finds you via a Search Engine!

2) What to Say to Your Visitor...
Don’t write a site purely devoted to “hard-selling” your merchants’ products. Imagine a visitor who hits your site and reads an immediate sales pitch.  That person will resist because she does not know you.  Then, if she clicks to your merchant, she gets another sales pitch on the site.
Never devote your site to one company’s product line.  No matter what you do, no matter how sincere you are, this kind of approach always ends up “smelling” like a sales pitch.  It simply makes no difference that you honestly love the products - your visitor will mistake your devotion for selling.  Remember, she doesn’t know you!
It’s far better to develop a concept that relates to that company’s products and to other products from other companies that are complementary.  Develop related content that PREsells.  Then “get the click” through “in-context” text links.

3) How to Refer Your Visitor to Your Merchant...
Banners, as we discussed earlier, are the best example of how not to refer your visitor to your merchant.  In plain and simple language, people feel “pitched” when they click on a banner.  And people who feel “pitched” are difficult to convert into a sale.
Now for a critical Action Step...
Review your site or whatever other means you are using to reach, talk to, and refer visitors to your merchants.  Put yourself in your customer’s brain.  What will she think, how will she feel, at each of the 3 major steps from above?
If you’re doing everything perfectly, congratulations!  You must have a high CR. If you don’t have a high CR, or if you see some big mindset mistakes, consider how much higher your CR would be if a visitor…
•  found you in a bona fide manner (ex., as a result of doing a search on a Search Engine),
•  became “your friend” (or your “trusting admirer” if you do a truly awesome job!) because you provided excellent content
• and finally was led to a context-appropriate recommendation.  (There will be more on recommendation vs. sales pitch shortly.)

Key learning point?
Always consider how these actions affect your visitor’s mindset...
1) HOW YOU REACH your visitor, and…
2) WHAT YOU SAY to her, and…
3) HOW YOU REFER her to your merchant.
Get inside your visitor’s head.  Realize how she will feel each step of the way. Whatever you do, consider the impact on your visitor - if it does not make her more “open to buy,” don’t do it.
PREselling is really all about selling yourself (i.e., your credibility) to your customer, every step of the way.  You reach your targeted traffic in a proper fashion, you deliver valuable, appropriate, editorial content, and you recommend merchants to your visitor after she has come to respect and like you.  Your CR will soar.

Why does PREselling work so well?
A sale via any affiliate program is really a two-step process.  It requires the delivery of two “Most Wanted Responses,” yours and your merchant’s.
As an affiliate, what is your Most Wanted Response (MWR)?  No, it’s not to get the sale.  That’s the second step and it's also your merchant’s MWR.  Your MWR is to “get the open-to-buy click” (i.e., your visitor clicks through to your merchant with an open-to-buy mindset).
Writing to PREsell does not require genetic talent. It’s not a “gift.”  Writing to PREsell is a skill you can acquire.  Make Your Content PREsell! (MYCPS!), the only book of its kind on the Net, shows you exactly how to do it.  Learn how to...
1) Write to communicate.
2) Develop your own “voice” with flair and substance.
3) Spin your site/biz/self into a unique position.
4) Honestly convince people to trust and like you.

Everyone, regardless of what they do online or offline, needs to know how to write effectively. For more information about this free, must-have resource, please visit…
Let your merchant’s site do its job and get the sale.  
It’s a two-step process that builds to the sale...
STEP 1  You PREsell to get an open-to-buy click-through to your merchant.
STEP 2  Your merchant gets the sale.
So, whatever you do, however you do it, it should always pull your visitor one step closer to delivering your MWR...
Get an open-to-buy click through to your income-generating source! Whoops!  I was just about to move on to the next point.  Good thing I heard you asking...
“Ken, if I leave it up to the merchant's site to get the sale, I still don’t see how I have any influence on the Conversion Rate.  I'd much rather sell the visitor on my own site.”
First, let’s make sure we have our terms straight by examining a real case study. Elad Shippony, from Israel, is an excellent example of an infopreneur.  He is creating fun and entertaining content to drive traffic from the Search Engines, and then monetizing that traffic, without selling a product or service.
PREsell effectively, and your CR will zoom.  But if it reads like a “hard-sell sales pitch,” you’ll quickly lose credibility with your audience.

On the other hand, let’s say that you do not have a mega-content, ultra-high traffic site.  You really love SiteSell products and that's why you’re so proud to represent them.  After all, you’d never want to just “push stuff” on people, products that you do not believe represent true value-for-dollar.

Redundancy = Turned OFF customer = LOW CR.
But if you develop great content, it will lead to the click.  You become a friend making a recommendation rather than a stranger making a sales pitch.  And if you create a truly great site, you’ll actually become a trusted expert making an endorsement.
Recommendation = Turned ON customer = HIGH CR.
In other words, don’t push your visitor to the click.  Make her want to click.  It makes all the difference if your visitor feels that it’s her idea to deliver your MWR (the open-to-buy click).
Another question?  Geez, I was about to grab a coffee.  Fire away!
“Can you give me another example of using content to PREsell?"
Sure.  Let’s say that you love Make Your Words Sell! (MYWS!), the perfect bookend to Make Your Content PREsell!.  Your plan is to create a Net marketing site.
Whoa!  My first recommendation...
Do not create another Web marketing site.  There are zillions of them.
However, if you can develop a unique twist in the way you present high-value Web marketing information and build at least 30 quality content pages about this subject, then go for it.  But don’t limit your monetization efforts to PREselling Site Build It! exclusively.  Instead, diversify.
For example, let’s say you create a content page about “how to write persuasive sales copy on the Net.”  Within that page, include in-context text links to your Top 3 books about copywriting.
Add Make Your Words Sell! (a free book)
… and include a #2 and a #3 recommendation.  Why?
First, this approach gives your page extra content value -- it shows visitors that you have their best interests at heart.  Second, it adds extra credibility to the #1 choice (ahem!).  And third, it gives you three possible links for your visitor to click upon.

Include your favorite book about writing “offline” copy, too.  Naturally, it’s an affiliate link to one of the online bookstores!
It’s a WIN-WIN-WIN situation for you, your visitors, and your merchants. Now, please think about the following for a moment...
Why would I, a merchant, recommend that you not create “yet another Web marketing site,” and especially not one that is dedicated to selling Site Build It!?
It’s because I know you’ll waste your time.  The two-step SELL-SELL does not work.  Period.  Sure, you’ll get a few sales.  But you won’t make enough money to stay motivated to build your business.  I’d rather give you a far more powerful, successful approach…
…and have a smaller piece of your larger and more successful attention!
Bottom line?...
If you want to create and build a site that is related to Net marketing, take your time and do your homework.  Find a new concept, or a unique twist, or a trend that you think will become important, and be the first one to do it.  Do not be a “me too.”
Better yet, find your own unique concept.
And where do you find a great concept for your site?  Inside you!
You do know stuff other people don’t... things people would pay to know.  You might have learned it “on the job” or through your hobby.  There’s a good chance that you don’t even realize what you know.  It’s often right under your nose.  But, as you’ll see in DAY 2, everyone is an expert about something.

Here’s a real concrete, non-Web-marketing example that will succeed...
It’s all about creating a Theme-Based Content Site that is loaded with Keyword- Focused Content-Rich Pages.  Your theme?...

You love concrete.  Yes, cement!  It’s been your hobby, your passion, for years... Concrete statues.  Concrete painting.  Decorative concrete. Concrete in the garden.  Repairing concrete.  The various types of concrete.  Hand trowels. Things to do with cement blocks.  Concrete trade shows.  Concrete and swimming pools. Concrete molds.  Cleaning concrete.  Ready mixed concrete. Concrete counter tops.
For this example, I had to brainstorm topics for concrete. I know nothing about it.  I chose “concrete” because it was the first thing to enter my head.  But I could develop topics about concrete forever.  (There is more about brainstorming and developing high-profitability topics later in the course.)
Anyway, let’s say that you decide to create a Theme-Based Content Site that is all about concrete.  Your home page explains how your site is the site for everything concrete, from structural to esthetic.
Of course, you create high-value, content-jammed Keyword-Focused Content Pages.  For example, your page about concrete statues explains all about how to make striking statues for the home and garden.  You could even expand it into an entire “Statue Section,” with a page on the history of concrete statues and another one about how to market and sell the statues that the visitor makes.
The main point, though, is that you create truly excellent, high-value content that attracts and delivers what your readers sought at the Search Engines, “warms them up” and increases your credibility…
C  T  P
You also weave relevant, “in-context” text links right into the content (i.e., your recommendations
•  Books about the topic (ex., concrete statues if that's what the page was about)
•  A garden supplier for concrete molds, trowels, etc.
•  A concrete supplier
•  Consulting services -- your own, of course!

See what’s happening?  When you write about a niche that you know and love, the content is easy.  I’ll show you how to attract even more targeted traffic by ranking well for the Search Engines (Search Engine Optimization) later on.
By providing great content, you PREsell your reader, increasing your click throughs and your CR.  And by monetizing through related and excellent affiliate programs, and other appropriate monetization models, you develop multiple streams of income from one site.

This brings us to the bottom line of this DAY...
If you’re drawing targeted traffic to your site... and if your site is getting a great Click-Through Rate (CTR) to the merchants that you represent (and your other monetization sources)... and if you are converting a high percentage of them into sales...

You are following the roadmap to becoming a high-earning affiliate champion!
Let’s summarize the whole point of PREselling with this question...

Which would you respond to?...

A stranger with a sales pitch?
Or… A knowledgeable friend making a recommendation?

Before proceeding to DAY 2, please complete your DAY 1 Goal-of-the-DAY, and take note of your Ongoing Goal...
Deepen and focus your understanding of this material.  Re-read it once per week for the next eight weeks, monthly after that.  As you progress through DAYS 2 through 10, it’s going to be easy to lose sight of the “big picture” presented today. And there’s another reason to re-read regularly.  It will mean more and more to you as you gain each DAY’s new perspective.
And with that, it’s on to DAY 2….
Time to begin the blueprint for your Web site.  Take the first step by brainstorming your Site Concept…

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Surefire ways to Maximize your profit - Affiliate Business Basics

To begin today's tutorial, like I made clear Affiliate Masters Trend is going to be a 10 part course. For easy walk through and assimilation, I have decided to split it into four categories. So, each sub-title/topic will appear like this “Part 1 Cat. 4” respectively.

Being a great affiliate is NOT about selling... It’s about PREselling.

Goal... This is the only part where you have nothing to do except read the material.  Actually, that’s wrong. Your goal is to understand, understand deeply, the concepts outlined here, culminating with the concept of PREselling to maximize Conversion Rates.
With this goal in mind...

1.1.  Focus on Maximizing Profit
The goal of any business, including your affiliate business, is to maximize profits.  Profit is simply your income minus your expenses.
As an affiliate, there are exactly two ways to increase your income (i.e., the amount of money your business makes)...
1) Refer more visitors to the merchants that you represent.
2) Increase the Conversion Rate (i.e., the percent of visitors that you refer to your merchant… visitors who deliver the response for which the merchant pays, whether that’s a sale, or a lead, etc.).
Simple formula, right?  If you refer 100 visitors per day to a merchant and 1% buy, you get paid for that one purchase.  But if you send 1,000 visitors per day and 3% buy, you get paid for 30 purchases.
Yes, thirty times more!  So it’s pretty clear how to maximize affiliate income!
Of course, every business has expenses , too.  Maximizing profits does not imply that you must minimize expenses, too.  After all, if you spend no money or time on a business, you have no business!  You must get the best possible traffic- building and sales-converting results for every dollar you spend... and for every hour you spend on your business.
Time is money.  Don’t count your hours as zero cost simply because they do not cost you “out of pocket.”  Assign your time a dollar value -- it will put your affiliate business on a solid, professional “business footing.”
Let’s examine expenses by asking two questions...

Question #1 -- What does it cost to build traffic to your merchants’ sites?

Traffic-building, no matter how you cut it, will cost you... in terms of both time and money.  Spending dollars is optional, but spending time is not.
There are many ways, both offline and on, to drive targeted traffic to your merchants’ sites.  This course will show you the most highly profitable, time-and- dollar-effective way to build traffic to your merchants' sites...
Build your own Theme-Based Content Site - one that is loaded with high info- value Keyword-Focused Content Pages that rank well with the Search Engines and that get the “click throughs” to your merchants’ sites.
Let’s break that down for closer examination.  For your affiliate Web site to generate targeted traffic to your merchants, it must do two things well...
1) Rank well at the Search Engines so that it pulls in lots of targeted traffic.  So far, though, that traffic is still on your site.  Therefore, it’s not generating income yet.  Your visitors are just “looking around.”  So...
2) Get those visitors to click through to your merchants.  (Some affiliate program models can actually place merchant offerings on your Web site.  In this case, your traffic does not actually visit your merchant’s site.  But you still have to “get the click” to generate income.)

Question #2 -- What does it cost to maximize Conversion Rates?

Good news!  Maximizing your Conversion Rate (CR) is simply a question of doing things right.  There is no extra dollar or time cost to boosting CRs at your merchants’ sites.  This course will show you how to achieve this goal, too.
Remember… when this course talks about Conversion Rates, we are talking about the Conversion Rate at the sites of the merchants that you represent as an affiliate.  So we are talking about how you will maximize the percentage of referral visitors who deliver the response for which the vendor pays, whether that’s a sale, or lead, etc.
If you think that it’s impossible for you to change the sales-effectiveness of your merchants’ sites, you are in for a big surprise.
Your primary goals are...
1) Maximize targeted traffic to your merchants, spending only dollars and time that maximize profits.
2) Maximize Conversion Rates.  Do things right (no expense).
Don’t do just one.  Do both.  Why?  Because, as you saw above, your payment is determined by traffic multiplied by the CR... not “added.”  Your profits grow geometrically when you concentrate on maximizing both traffic and Conversion Rates.
I have spent quite a bit of time reviewing the difference between 5 Pillar Affiliates who refer high traffic to us and who deliver high Conversion Rates (% of visitors who purchase), and those who deliver low ones.
The #1 reason for low traffic and terrible Conversion Rates?
Banner ads!  No content!
Retinal studies have shown that Web surfers actually avoid banners.  Yes, their eyes look away!

Our study found that 5 Pillar Affiliates who relied solely on banners had an average CR of 0.5%.  But those who used “in-context” text links (i.e., text links that are part of the content of the Web page) averaged over 3.5%!
How’s that for a reason not to use banners?
Banners are cheesy and hurt your credibility.  If visitors happen to click through (a big “if”), they arrive at their destination feeling “pitched” rather than informed. They have a resisting mindset, rather than with an open, ready-to-buy attitude.
Remember that example where you sent 100 visitors per day to a merchant and 1% bought?  If you rely on flipping up some banners, it will be more like 10 visitors per day and not one person buys!
We reveal a lot about 5 Pillar Affiliates during this course.  But it is not the 5 Pillar Program that is important here -- it’s the lessons to be derived. This course is about making any affiliate of any program more successful.
Conclusion? ... Don’t use banners.
Yes, I know “they're so-o-o-o-o easy.”  It’s always easy to not make money. That’s how all those get-rich-quick-guys do so well... the allure of easy money. No such thing.
I must repeat…  don’t rely solely on banners.
If you simply must use banners, save your “in-context” text links for super companies with wonderful products that deliver true value to your reader.
Beside the obvious futility of banners, I’ve spotted another major point.  This one is more subtle, but it’s important… extremely important.
The #2 reason for low traffic and terrible Conversion Rates?
After banner advertising, it’s the second most common error.  And it’s an even bigger shame because this boo-boo involves a lot of work... misplaced work.  If you’re going to fail, the best thing would be not to spend much time at it, right?
Reason #2 is... Selling instead of PREselling.
Some 5 Pillar Affiliates have really made great efforts in creating sites to promote our SiteSell products.  And they are building some sales and traffic.  But when I

see a low CR (i.e., CR under 2%), I know that something is amiss.  Great efforts deserve greater results than 1%.
Yes, I agree that these efforts are better than banners.  But remember… creating these sites takes a lot more work than tossing up a couple of banners.  We’ll see in a moment that it’s misdirected work.  (The good news is that this course will redirect those efforts into high-profit areas.)
Time for a philosophical perspective...
In life, the vast majority of people just keep doing the “same old thing.”  Life seems easier that way.  But “doing the same old thing” guarantees the “same old results.”  So in the long run, it’s actually much, much harder.
In the movie, “The Renaissance Man,” Danny De Vito’s character makes a profound statement...
“The choices we make dictate the lives we lead.”
To paraphrase...
“Where you are today is the result of all the choices and actions that you have made in your life.”
When he said that, I remember thinking, “You know, he’s right.  Except in rare cases of extraordinarily good or bad luck, people basically end up where they are as a result of choices they make and courses of action they take.”
People tend to blame a lack of success in life on “bad luck” or “poor timing” or other people.  And yes, at times, that can be accurate.  A heck of a lot of factors beyond our control can blindside us.  In the long run, however, as long as we persist in our efforts, these factors tend to even out and De Vito's statement remains valid.
Now, here’s the good news...
E-commerce is simpler than life.  Due to its digital nature, there are fewer variables... so the outcome is more controllable.  Which means that we can boil De Vito’s statement down to “The #1 E-commerce Reality.”
This Reality is almost self-evident, yet it’s so easy to forget.  Your success with anything you do in the world of e-commerce flows from it.  Internalize it and act upon it... and you will succeed.
Yes, it’s that fundamental.  And that leads me to…

The #1 E-commerce Reality
“Nothing happens by accident in the world of computers, the Net, and customer response. There is always a reason for what happens, good or bad, and that reason is YOU.”
When I see some 5 Pillar (“5P”) Affiliates with CRs over 10% (and a few over 20%!), I figure that those with CRs at 1-2% or less could be multiplying their sales five-or-more-fold.  How?
Not by working harder, but simply by channeling their motivation in a better direction.
Let’s continue with the case of 5P Affiliates who make “great efforts” but get so- so results...
As I reviewed many of these affiliate sites (those who are getting sales but have CRs under 2%), I realized that almost half were basically one big sales letter for SiteSell products and Ken.  Which means that these affiliates are selling (with sales copy) when they should be PREselling (with great, and related, content that is of value to the reader).
There’s really not much point in straight selling off your site -- that's what your merchant’s site needs to do.  Picture this...
A visitor arrives at an affiliate’s site that is really just one, big sales site.  Yes, I know that the words are sincere -- I owe all 5P Affiliates a big thank you for the truly wonderful things they say.  But put yourself in these visitors’ shoes for a moment.  They don’t see inspiring, editorial content.  They see a sales effort.
But they were searching for content!
“CONTENT!” I said.  (Sorry for yelling.)
People resist sales efforts, so your click-through actually goes down.  And if a visitor does click, what does she see when she arrives at an SBI! site?  More sales effort.  And, in some cases, many of the words on SiteSell’s site are similar to the words that she’s just read.  Result?  Poor Conversion Rate.
If your site is basically a “bunch of sales letters,” you have not yet built your credibility and likeability with this visitor.  Your visitor ends up feeling “pitched.” And then she feels double-pitched if (chances are low) she clicks through to your merchant’s site.  That’s why the CR actually goes down.

To make things worse, as she “smells” a sales effort, she becomes less likely to click!  So referred traffic drops, too.
Women represent 50% of all surfers.  And they control approximately 80% of all shopping dollars.  To reinforce this in your mind, we’ll use the feminine pronoun to talk about readers/visitors/customers.  To keep things simple and even, we’ll use the masculine pronoun when referring to affiliates.
OK, let’s see...
1) Referred traffic down.
2) And Conversion Rate down.
But these are the two ways to increase your income.  (That’s what we talked about near the beginning.)  We’re going in the wrong direction!
Conclusion?  Don’t sell!
Instead, warm your visitor up for your merchants by PREselling her with great content that she values and respects.  She’ll click-through with pleasure, arriving at your merchants’ sites in an open-to-buy mindset.
It’s your PREselling effort that will boost your traffic-to-merchants and CR, which in turn maximizes your income.
This brings us to our second philosophical premise…
“The #1 Affiliate Reality”...
“Your CR will literally vary from 1% to 10% (and at times, as much as 20%!), purely because of...
1) HOW YOU REACH your visitor, and…
2) WHAT YOU SAY to her, and…
3) HOW YOU REFER her to your merchant.”
Your CR depends upon what you do and how you do it.  You do not need Lady Luck, Sir Serendipity or anyone else.  There is always a reason for how well you do, and that reason always relates to what you do and how you do it.

Once you realize this, then you know success really is do-able.  Some people do succeed... big-time… but not necessarily the first time.  Just keep trying until you find the right approach.
To quote Calvin Coolidge…
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
The slogan 'press on' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”
Of course, the goal of the 10-DAY Affiliate Masters Course is to reduce the amount of trial-and-error persistence that will be required before you find your own successful formula!
Why is “The #1 Affiliate Reality” true?...
Because how you reach your customer, and what you say once you reach her, and how you refer your visitor to your merchant directly affects your visitor’s mindset when she arrives at SiteSell.
A positive mindset turns into a purchase with amazing regularity.  A negative one is nearly impossible to overcome.
And that is what “high-CR affiliates” have known all along…
 “They refer people to their merchants in an OPEN-TO-BUY frame of mind.” 
Best advice?  Write “The #1 Affiliate Reality” onto a yellow Post-It Note and stick it onto your monitor...
 “Your CR will literally vary from 1% to 10% (and at times, as much as 20%!), purely
because of...
1) HOW YOU REACH your visitor, and…
2) WHAT YOU SAY to her, and…
3) HOW YOU REFER her to your merchant.”

1.2.  PREsell To Convert
Your strategies and actions as an affiliate directly affect your Conversion Rate. This section deals with how to PREsell effectively.  (Later in the course, we will cover traffic-building in more detail.)

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Introduction to Affiliate Masters Trend (NEW!!!) Contd.

Welcome to the continuing part of trends in Affiliate marketing that can eventually earn you great income from your home business. Previously, we viewed among other things, the best way to put an Affiliate on a critical pathway and in this post I want to add a fourth point, which is - Eliminate dependency on any single source of income.  By diversifying into other complementary monetization models beyond affiliate programs, you reduce risk and increase stability.  You are protected in case, for example, your merchant partner goes bankrupt, or shuts down its Web division, or reduces commissions, or fails on its payments.
Multiple income streams also have the potential to make every visitor to your site count.  Now watch this real close! A particular offer might not spark any interest but another one may be the match that lights a fire! I hope you get it?
So, the CONTENT -TRAFFIC -PRESELL –MONETIZE  process for affiliate marketing boils down to this…
Create searched-for content (the “C”) that pulls in targeted traffic (the “T”). Warm up, that is PREsell) your visitors so that they click on your recommendations with an open-to-buy attitude (the “P”).  And then generate income through those PREsold visitors (i.e., monetize) using the low-risk affiliate model as a primary source of income (if you have no product or service of your own to sell) or as a profitable secondary source (the “M”).

Is this process difficult?

Not at all!  But do keep in mind that this is not a “get-rich-quick” scheme. You need to bring effort and passion to the table.  After all, you are building more than a Web site. You are building a real business!

A note to add.  CONTENT-TRAFFIC -PRESELL –MONETIZE works, if you work it!
Make this your affiliate business mantra and you will succeed!
Be Sure to stay tuned to this blog for The Affiliate Masters Trend and a ten (10) part tutelage will reveal to you how to execute the accomplish Make this your affiliate business mantra and you will succeed!
The Affiliate Masters Course and its 10-DAY program will show you how to execute the CONTENT -TRAFFIC -PRESELL –MONETIZE process on your own and you will be glad you found this information on this blog.  Just to add a note, there’ll be precise goals and I mean a set target a that you can easily fulfil. 
When you might have perused the part 10 goal, you will have a Theme-Based Content Site up and running and generating traffic and income.
Each part also sets an “ongoing goal.”  A Web site is always evolving.  The ongoing goal is what you should be achieving on a regular basis.  The ongoing goals provide the pathway for building maximal income over the following weeks and months.

What’s the bottom line? 

Upon completion of this trend or course, you will have the power of CONTENT -TRAFFIC -PRESELL –MONETIZE working for you, helping you to build a flourishing, profitable and stable online business.  With the right process, you get the right results!
Be forewarned about the Affiliate Masters Trend, though.  The material covered will be extensive in scope.  It will require effort and commitment on your part, as does anything important that yields rewards.  Most folks may have to train or go to university for years to prepare to earn a substantial income stream. Your mini-university course will accomplish this by the end of this tutorial.
I don’t mean to scare you.  All of it is manageable.  Take your time to digest the information properly before you start to work on the prescribed action steps.
It’s critical that you finish each part of this course before you begin the next. The DAYS build on each other.  Always keep in mind that you are following a step-by- step process, and you can do it yourself even if others say you cant.

Please don’t feel that you have to rush.  Work at your own pace, as time allows. This is not a race. Sometimes, you will be able to devote large blocks of time each day to the course. At other times, you may have only 15-30 minutes per day to spend on it.  In this situation, it could take you a week or more to complete a part of the course.  And that’s ok!
It does not matter how long it takes you to complete the course. The key is to set aside a realistic amount of time each day to implement the course. You’ll find it was time well, no best, spent.

Final piece of advice...
Print out a hard copy and make your own textbook!  There is just too much information in the Affiliate Masters Trend to learn by reading off a monitor screen.
Underline the important parts.  Add your own notes and ideas.  I promise you’ll get lots and lots of great inspiration as you go along.

If you are at all serious about following this course to build a serious income stream, start right.

Now, Lets get started with the Trends.

Monday 9 September 2013

Introduction to Affiliate masters trend (NEW!!!)

An affiliate business is one of the easiest ways to get your feet wet in e-business. You send visitors (i.e., potential customers) to a merchant’s Web site that you are representing.  If they buy or complete a required action (for example, fill in a form), the merchant pays you a commission.  No fuss, no muss!
That, in essence, is the beauty of the affiliate concept.  You can be up and building an online business in record time, at minimal risk.  Top-notch merchants supply everything (i.e., excellent products, ordering, credit card processing, and delivery).  All you need to do is to put yourself in the path between customers and quality merchants... and earn a commission for your efforts.

So what’s the best way to put you on that critical pathway?

Follow the natural, proven CONTENT -TRAFFIC - PRESELLMONETIZE  process…
Yoghurt - Homemade

Home made yoghurt is a healthy source of protein, magnesium, calcium vitamins and minerals. For people who have digestion problems, yoghurt is invaluable to them because of its active harmless bacterial culture (there are harmless bacteria of course). you can make yoghurt in your home for the fraction of the cost of buying from stores and it requires no special equipment at this level.

Lets get started with procedures:

1.   Water (2 cups or 200ml)
2.   Powdered milk (2 cups or 200g)
3.   yoghurt (2 level tablespoons)
4.   Hot water (1 cup or 100ml)
5.   Sugar (to taste)
6.   Citric acid (1 tablespoon).

Sunday 8 September 2013

How to Produce Shampoo - Recipe

Hello, and welcome to another tutorial on shampoo production. This tutorial can help you  as an entrepreneur or a worker to become a shampoo producer. Now, there could be other reasons why you choose to make your own shampoo as this tutorial will explain in a few moments. Perhaps, you are trying to avoid the chemicals in commercial shampoos, or you just want to make shampoo for yourself. In ancient times, shampoo was soap, except with some additional moisturizers so that it didn't strip the natural oils from your scalp and hair. The recipe for  making your own shampoo is chemically a liquid soap, except vegetable based.
Before we being the tutorial, be sure to keep production environment well ventilated and also read all safety precautions on the ingredient.

Shampoo Equipments

1.   Stainless steel mixer

2.   Weigh balance

3.   Plastic spoon

4.   Plastic buckets

5.   PH metre

6.   Funnel

7.   Packaging materials.

Saturday 7 September 2013

How to Make Candies

Hello and welcome to today’s tutorial. In this session we’re gonna learn how to produce lollypop or candy. It’s gonna be a short tutorial and I am gonna be real quick and straight to the point in this

     Packaging material
     Nylon sealing machine

Friday 6 September 2013

How to make Cookies

Hello and welcome to another interesting and informative session. Today I will be giving out the recipe for making cookies also known as biscuits. It is known that most humans on the face of the earth eat or have eaten various cookies as snacks, baked from different materials and flavor, and there are quite big companies that make these cookies not underestimating the importance of small to medium scale companies or ventures. Now, without much ado, let’s get started on cookie making session.

Recipe – Flour (4 cups or 400g), Fat (2 Wraps), Sugar (half a cup or 50g), Baking Powder (Two teaspoonful), Nutmeg (1 piece), Milk (3 Teaspoonful), Vanilla Flavor (2 Teasponful), Corn or Cassava Flour (1 cup).

1.  Sieve the flower.      
2.  Add all dry ingredients: baking powder, sugar, milk, nutmeg.   

Thursday 5 September 2013

Body Lotion - Become a producer

Hello dear viewers, it is with great pleasure today that I intend to show you the secrets of making your own body lotion. This is an home business information, that only the  informed has access to and can really apply the knowledge gotten to make body lotion production a reality and not impractical. 
Behold what you are going to learn in a few minutes will add to your entrepreneurial skills and subsequently help you on your journey to creating an industry from it, to eventually become financially free and secure. You can be your own boss.
Now here be the information guide for making body lotions.

EQUIPMENT: Heating stove/burner, boiler (2), thermometer, weigh balance, and a plastic container(s)/tubes.

CHEMICALS REQUIRED: Laurex, Cosmos wax, Nipagen medrox, Paraben, Silicon solution,               Centrimide, Paraffin oil, Glycerin, Triethanol Amine (TEA), Petroleum jelly, Lanolin, Perfume.

Now once you've gotten all these materials ready, lets look at a good formula that you can practice right now to get results. 


No.   Chemical                   Formula%

1.      Laurex                              9  
2.      Cosmos wax                     7/10
3.      Nipagen medrox                3/10
4.      Silicon                               1
5.      Paraben                             1/2

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Choose Financial Freedom - It Brings Security

Hello and welcome again to this blog with great potentials in the nearest future. I am proud to announce to you that most of the 'How to's and tutorial that will help my prospective and current viewers will be practicable to fetch you some reasonable income from your business as an entrepreneur either at home or in medium or cottage industries, and will be free of charge.
Remember you can do it, even if others are pessimistic about your business decisions which is probably the best way to be financially independent and secure, but sometimes I wonder why people seek job security - because

Tuesday 3 September 2013


Hello readers, you are very  much welcome to my blog. My name is Victor and for the rest of the period in my blog course. I shall be projecting various small and medium scale enterprises. I created this blog due to the demand by the un-employed, self-employed, investor and rising investors in small and medium scale business around the world and in Nigeria (my home country) where un-employment rate is at its peak. Let me add prestissimo, that is, as quickly as possible that every step of the way is going to be meaningful to you as a person, as it cuts across all forms of business you could ever think of, which could probably enhance your career in a way or another and more importantly, help you to generate a life long income and wealth of knowledge and resources in various areas, help you set up your business with calculated risks - if you do your due diligence by learning, asking questions where confused, commenting and critically constructive contributions, the sky may perhaps be a starting point to a genuine success and freedom from financial distress.
The guide that this blog presents hopes to